In Temasek Junior College, we aim to nurture critical thinkers who are curious about our world, and who are empathetic, independent and creative in thought. This is achieved through a rigorous curriculum across the different subjects. We challenge our students to make sense of the world by taking different perspectives and to communicate their arguments coherently in both speech and writing.
Our subjects deal with past and present real world issues using inquiry as a key cornerstone of our programmes. Each subject is grounded on a carefully planned core curriculum that focuses on real world application and critical thinking skills. To enhance the learning experience, multiple enrichment opportunities are available for students to stretch their learning beyond the classroom.
For students who have shown a strong passion and ability in the humanities, the Temasek Humanities Programme aims to stretch students with various leadership and enrichment opportunities for them to grow into action-oriented thought leaders for our nation.
Have you ever wondered why a packet of Hello Panda can cost a dollar in the canteen but over $4 at MBS? What about the economic fallout from COVID-19? The TJC Economics Department invites you to explore and make sense of the real world from the lens of an economist!
In our Economics curriculum, students can look forward to embark on an investigation into how different economic agents – consumers, producers and governments – make decisions to achieve their objectives. Armed with tools of economic analysis to understand real world issues, evaluate perspectives and understand policy decisions, the Economics curriculum at TJC provides students with a strong foundation to manage and navigate the complexities and ambiguities of our ever-changing world. This rigorous approach towards the content and skills of the subject has led to consistent top Value-Adding results for our students in recent A-Level results!Our department is at the forefront of MOE’s Blended Learning initiative, using a Flipped Learning approach to integrate online teaching resources and face-to-face interactions to ensure that economics concepts and skills are accessible for all students. This has been well received by students and has been recognised in the national media.
Students answering questions on Nearpod
TJC Economics on Channel News Asia
To bring the learning of Economics beyond the classroom, our students are exposed to a range of externally organised lectures, workshops and seminars to expand their horizons on contemporary economic debates and to learn more about possible careers in Economics.Economics Alive! 2020: Career exploration of Economics in the Public Service with TJC Alumni Mr Denis Tan Wei Han January – March are usually exciting times as students will be exposed to a live Budget viewing before an external guest is invited to engage students on Singapore’s Annual Budget.
Budget 2020 live viewing Our top and most passionate students are also actively identified and mentored to represent our college in various economics competitions, where they have excelled!
Aspiring Economist Challenge 2020 – 1st Place
Best Performance in Spontaneous Round at the ACS(I)-MOE Economics Short Film Competition
For more information on each subject, please refer to the subject syllabuses at -
“I know nothing in the world that has as much power as a word. Sometimes I write one, and I look at it, until it begins to shine,” said Emily Dickinson. Our vision as a Literature department is to develop students’ critical and analytical thinking skills, sensitivity to language, and passion for reading. In the process, we aim to foster the value of empathy because we believe that at the heart of English Literature is an important lesson of humanity and the human condition.
English Literature focuses on a detailed, technical analysis of literary texts, as well as essay-writing skills. Our students attend lectures and tutorials where they engage in discussions and posit arguments through oral presentations and written work. We encourage discussion-based lessons where our students are responsible for their learning and where they open their minds to various perspectives.ENRICHMENT
Beyond the classroom, our students are given the opportunity to take their passion for the subject to another level by participating in Literature Night where they share their creative adaptations, as well as read and perform their original works in a celebration of poetry, prose and drama. The Creative Arts Programme is also another platform for our students to showcase their work and be mentored by prominent local writers.Literature students’ dramatic performance at Literature Night
Poet, Mr Alvin Pang visiting the Black Box for a poetry reading
For more information on each subject, please refer to the subject syllabuses at -
Have you ever wondered how sand dunes are formed? Or where and how an iPhone is made? In a world confounded with polarising views on climate change, how can we make sense of the different evidences and explore pathways towards a sustainable future? The TJC Geography Department invites you to explore and make sense of the Blue Marble from a geographical perspective!
Geography literally means writing about the Earth. At TJC, our programme aims to sensitise our students to the intriguing world around them. Under the broad theme of ‘Sustainability’, students actively engage with many pertinent topics of inquiry, including climate change, urban change, tropical environmental management and energy security. We employ innovative strategies such Virtual Reality in the teaching and learning of Geographical Investigations. Through our conceptual and inquiry-driven core curriculum, students will develop their young voices and minds as a critical geographer. They will acquire the skills to critically analyse the interrelationships between the physical and human environments.ENRICHMENT
We are committed to providing our students with opportunities for geographical investigations, collaborative learning and stretch programmes to help them achieve their potential. With field trip opportunities to West Malaysia and many other locations in Singapore, students immerse in enriching learning experiences to identify, collect and communicate data. Our top geographers have excelled in competitions such as the URA’s Challenge of the Urban and Built Environment (CUBE) Competition.TALK GEOG@TJC
Listen to what our TJC Geographers have to say! CONNECT WITH US
Our Geography@TJC FaceBook and Instagram pages are our way to keep you and our proud TJC Geography alumni in the loop with all matters Geography-related.SYLLABUSES
For more information on each subject, please refer to the subject syllabuses at -
At TJC History, we believe in nurturing authentic and independent learners who appreciate the multifaceted nature of the world today. To this end, we actively challenge our students to examine the world we live in, by creating an environment that leverages on technology to empower students to seize ownership of their learning and engage in important discussions.
Screenshot from a J1 History online essay review discussion
History students attempting a pre-lecture quiz on google classroom
We also recognise our students’ desire for creative and diverse learning experiences, and actively include enrichment opportunities for students to stretch their learning and deepen their appreciation of History.‘Draw your own political cartoon!’ activity as part of JC1 History curriculum History Evening 2019 and 2020 Learning journeys to the 2019 Bicentennial Experience and Alfian Sa’at’s play Merdeka In their two years with us, our students develop a critical mind and an empathetic heart, which ready them to take on new adventures post-Junior College. Hear what they have to say about their journey in TJC History:
‘While History was daunting at first because I hadn’t taken it before and didn’t know what to expect, in the end it was actually really refreshing to learn this new subject. The nature of its content is really enriching and it has broadened my perspective, allowing me to view our society/ world in a more in-depth way. I now have a richer understanding of our collective history, and the passion of history teachers who lecture and teach us is contagious!
Deanna Lawther Lim, 2019/ 2020
Attained 88.75 UAS at A Levels, reading International Relations at Kings College London‘History in TJC definitely involves the typical JC grind, but tutors here spiced lectures up with videos and group work at tutorials. Towards the actual A’s, we got a lot of help in many timed practices, extra consults and food ‘encouragement’ from the tutors, which helped us push through despite the tiredness.
And it’s not all studies, we have a fun annual party called History Evening! There’s a different theme every year, with Fascist Feast and Eastern Bloc snacks and Cold War movies, but most importantly a fun experience to enjoy History with your classmates!
Jeremy Fong, 2019/2020
Attained 90 UAS at A Levels, applying to read History at Cambridge UniversitySYLLABUSES
For more information on each subject, please refer to the subject syllabuses at